
IMO フォロー




1. 救命
1.1 はじめに
1.2 検討会活動状況
1.3 船舶救命設備の包括的性能基準に関する調査
1.4 イマーション・スーツの保温性試験の検討
1.5 IMO DE小委員会におけるその他の審議
1.6 救命艇離脱装置に関する会期間WGへの対応等
1.7 ISOの動向(参考)
1.8 まとめ
1.9 関連資料
 資料1-1 DE54/10:DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW FRAMEWORK OF REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES -Proposal for goals and functional requirements for life-saving appliances based on goal-based standards-
 資料1-2 DE54/10/1:DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW FRAMEWORK OF REQUIREMENTS FOR LIFE-SAVING APPLIANCES -Draft framework of requirements for life-saving appliances-
 資料1-3 DE54/12:THERMAL PERFORMANCE OF IMMERSION SUITS -Introduction of “Reference test device (RTD) concept” for thermal performance requirements-

2. 防火
2.1 はじめに
2.2 検討会活動状況
2.3 自動車運搬船の車両積載区域に対する炭酸ガスの消化能力に関する調査研究
2.4 IMOでの審議状況
2.5 ISOの動向(参考)
2.6 まとめ
2.7 関連資料
 資料2-1 MSC 88/9/1:FIRE PROTECTION -Study results on the draft amendments to chapter 6 of the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)-
 資料2-2 MSC 88/9/3:FIRE PROTECTION -Comment on the draft MSC circular on Unified Interpretation of chapter 12 of the International Code for Fire Safety Systems-

3. IGCコード及びIGFコード
3.1 はじめに
3.2 検討会活動状況
3.3 今年度のIMO対応と審議状況
3.4 来年度の事業計画案
3.5 まとめ
3.6 関連資料
 資料3-1 BLG 15/10:Outcome of the Industry Steering Group on the Revision of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) Submitted by the United Kingdom and the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO)
 資料3-2 BLG 15/10/4:Draft Revised Text of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) Submitted by the United Kingdom and the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO)
 資料3-3 BLG 15/INF.2:Comments on the draft text of the IGC Code Submitted by the United Kingdom
 資料3-4 BLG 15/6:Report of the Correspondence Group Submitted by Norway
 資料3-5 BLG 15/6/1:Comments on the report of the Correspondence Group on the Development of the Draft International Code on Safety for Gas-Fuelled Ships (IGF Code) Submitted by France
資料3-6 BLG 15/6/2:Comments on document BLG 15/6 Submitted by Japan

4.  ビルジ等の取り扱いに関する検討
4.1 はじめに
4.2 検討会活動状況
4.3 IMOでの審議状況及び対応
4.4 まとめ
4.5 関連資料
 資料4-1 DE54/17: Proposal for promotion of integrated bilge water treatment systems (IBTS)
 資料4-2 DE55/16: Statement of fact on installation of integrated bilge water treatment systems
 資料4-3 DE55/16/1: The concept and functions of integrated bilge water treatment systems (IBTS)





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