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非営利組織の協働に関する一考察 : 大須大道町人祭実行委員会と大須大道町人祭ボランティアを事例として
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The purpose of this paper is to clarify the elements necessary for cooperation activities with non-profit organizations, as an example of cooperation between Execution Committee and Volunteers of Osu Street Performers Festival. In this case, two organizations with different purposes were collaborating with the "Street Performers Festival" as a common point, and the autonomy of both parties was maintained. In addition, Volunteers had gained autonomy in conjunction with expanding its scale, but the opportunities for communication with the executive committee have decreased. Autonomy and communication, however, should not be a trade-off, but both should be satisfied. Also, structures of non-profit organizations tend to be fluid, changes in autonomy and communication should be focused in long term. |
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